I did try ArchiSteamFarm but that also didnt work out for me. I have heard from many people that this application doesnt work anymore.

Idle Master was writen in C# using Steamworks.NET and CSteamworks by Riley Labrecque ( ), and using open source icons from Open Iconic ( ). I remember from a few years ago I used the application called Idle Master to get my Steam trading cards.
Idle Master was created by jshackles, based on the original code created by Stumpokapow. The latest release is always available here: ✨ Features

Source: jshackles/idle_master 🔽 Download Non-Windows versions are available in the Python repository but may be deprecated or feature incomplete. This program is now being developed exclusively for Microsoft Windows. This application requires Steam to be open and for you to be logged in. When no more cards are available, the program will terminate. When the game you’re idling has no more cards, it’ll move on to the next game. When only one drop remains, it will start checking more frequently. It will check periodically to see if the game you’re idling has card drops remaining. This program will determine which of your Steam games still have Steam Trading Card drops remaining, and will go through each application to simulate you being “in-game” so that cards will drop. 🔧 This is a fork of the original Idle Master project ( discontinued in early 2017) by jshackles (also known for Enhanced Steam): ⭐️ Accepted by the official Idle Master community Get your Steam Trading Cards the quickest possible way